The repertoire includes:

Each performance can be adapted in situ, to showcase a site, a plastic installation, a journey, ...

You can download the repertoire book here (updated 24.02.24), and a presentation flyer here.


  • Shores, roots, sceneries:
    a journey through history of breath, body and built, from the fourth century to the twentieth
    — what the East and the West share and owe each other...
    A singing, dancing, and storytelling duet,
    with the works of the visual artist Catherine Lippinois
    teaser here, realisation Lucas Madebos

  • Because (the rose is without for–why):
    — upcoming performance
    Manifesto for the water the being and the becoming
    — because there are 28 hours a day to make it come...
    A singing, performing, and storytelling trio,
    with the works of the visual artist Catherine Lippinois


  • The one giving:
    giving thought to the yes and the no
    — the dream of Desdemona, between the Easts and the Wests...
    A singing and storytelling solo,
    with the works of the visual artist Catherine Lippinois
    teaser here, realisation Lucas Madebos

  • Memories of clay:
    the Epic of Gilgamesh lying at the root of the mediterranean cultures
    — Gilgamesh, half man, half god, so strong he has anyone to run...
    A singing, storytelling, and moulding duet,
    with the creations of the potter Eléanor Gaffney
    With the support of Théâtre du Fon du Loup

  • Katarekuna (from the cradle):
    lullabies from Europe and the Mediterranean, to welcome the young and raise up the old
    — at the time of the dark and of the possible of light...
    A singing, dancing, and storytelling duet,
    with the works of the visual artist Catherine Lippinois
    With the support of Théâtre des Treize Vents
    online medias for cultural mediation
    teaser here, production Jonathan Leclerc

  • Sororities:
    Beguines— an other story of women's empowerment and freedom
    — it was yesterday, it could be today...
    A singing, dancing, and storytelling duet,
    with the works of visual artist Catherine Lippinois With the support of Narthex
    teaser here, realisation Lucas Madebos

  • Infa(n)cing:
    — upcoming performance
    Spain, Russia, elsewhere, exchanges of letters and lullabies between two children of 20th century, or of 21st is it so different...
    — listen, what is resisting? And repeating? And remaining child, headwind, facing closed languages?
    A singing, sounding and storytelling duet,
    with the works of visual artist Catherine Lippinois

young people

  • Katarekuna (from the cradle):
    lullabies from Europe and the Mediterranean, to welcome the young and raise up the old


  • Songs and Stories of Waters:
    memoirs of the Dordogne in twelve tables
    — I, Dordogne... I will tell you, sing you, what you dropped on my shores and my piers, since you have been here...
    A singing and storytelling solo,
    with the works of visual artists Catherine Lippinois and Plume Gory
    teaser here, realisation Lucas Madebos

  • Migration(s):
    — upcoming performance
    a small form, a witness form, to bear and share the beautiful experience of "Exile(s)", and bring with a simple voice all the faces of this project:
    in three steps: from heart, from earth, from living

And too:

And working on:

  • Spain(s) of Al-Andalus and sephardics chants.
  • Earth-heaven: traditional gaelic songs and Carmina Gadelica.
  • Catalunya popular i medieval: the profane and the sacred in traditional catalan culture.
  • Moussorgsky and the Mighty 5: the Russian revival at a time of social change.